All Library Books Due
Posted on: Jun 17 2024Please return all library books this week. Overdue notices will be sent out shortly.
Please return all library books this week. Overdue notices will be sent out shortly.
Don't forget to place your Munchalunch order by noon today for our last lunch of the year! Visit Munchalunch to place your orders.
Mrs. Clark’s Grade 2 students recently embarked on an enchanting journey into the world of Charlotte's Web, exploring themes of friendship, loyalty, and kindness through the beloved characters of Wilbur…
Join us on Monday, June 10 at 2:30 for Lemonade with Loved Ones! Take this time to "chill out" with your favorite IV Macklin students!
Our grade 1 students had a blast when they visited the Grande Prairie Public Library and the Centre for Creative Arts last week!
Thursday, May 23 from 5:30-7:30 pm come join us for our I.V. Macklin School Year-end Stompede Dance organized by our parent council. Pizza and midway themed concession available for purchase - CASH…
Is your child musically inclined and wanting to focus on their personal development and growth while at school? Apply to our Music Program today! What you need to know: + Every GPPSD student is provided…
Auditions are being held after school, May 15th and 16th If your child has a great talent, encourage them to let Mrs. Mercer or Mrs. Glenn know they want to perform! Audition forms were handed out at…
We had a minor glitch today, but the Munch-A-Lunch Hot chocolate sales are back online. Thank you for your patience.