February MunchaLunch
Posted on: Jan 23 2025Our next MunchaLunch is Edo Japan on February 26. Please have all orders in by noon on February www.munchalunch.com
Our next MunchaLunch is Edo Japan on February 26. Please have all orders in by noon on February www.munchalunch.com
Students across GPPSD are actively supporting Bell Let's Talk Day through a #SleeveTheStigma initiative. They've creatively decorated coffee sleeves with messages of hope, contributing to mental health…
Our next MunchaLunch is from Major’s Family Restaurant on December 11. Orders are due December 4 at noon! Please visit www.munchalunch.com to order.
IV Macklin is so excited to be partnering with Made For You! Made For You is a locally owned and operated company from Hythe! They are offering their signature freeze-dried products at a holiday special…
On Thursday, November 14, MunchaLunch will be Taco in a Bag, lovingly made by Mr. Whitby and his CTF Foods class! Orders close on November 8! All proceeds will go toward our CTF classes. www.munchalunch.com
I.V. Macklin School Council is hosting a Halloween Family Dance on October 24 from 5-7:30PM! Wear your costume! Many prizes to be won. Music and photobooth by DJ FLIPP! Admission is by donation, with…
Check here for the latest at IV Macklin! Found out about how much we raised for the Terry Fox Foundation, what's coming up for Munch-A-Lunch, and more! Click here to read!
Find out about volleyball practices, joining our School Council, important dates, October's Munch-a-Lunch and more! Click here to read.
On Friday, our Gr 1-8 students had the opportunity to listen to Jon Hansen's presentation, 'Unleash Your Greatness.' 'Unleash Your Greatness' is a powerful speech about how we often overlook our own gifts,…
Back to school means apples! Apple sales are open until Sept 11! Want to order apples? Submit your order to a I.V Macklin student parent or guardian. All orders will have to be submitted via www.munchalunch.com…